
Monday, February 19, 2007

Mama's girl

I was going to wait until I was done with the scarf before I posted today. I started the grafting, and it is going well. But I have the plague a cold, and grafting just took way too much concentration. I had better never get really sick, but I turn into the biggest baby at the mere sign of a sniffle. I am 24, and have been living on my own for 4 years now. I am working on an MFA. But the second I get stuffy all I want to do is go home to my mom and have her take care of me.
I had a test tonight. I'm not so sure how it went. I almost rewrote everything on a separate piece of paper so the professor could read what I wrote. It was an essay test, and I tend to write down the first thing that I think of, then go back and change words and add sentences. Probably a result of using computers for most of my life. I can add sentences here, but on a piece of unlined paper while using an ink pen, it doesn't work so well. Luckily, I tend to write with lots of space in between the lines, so I can fit the words in, it just doesn't look pretty.
I'm going to go drink some night time cold medicine now. Hopefully the scarf gets finished tomorrow.

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